The Polish National Cancer Registry Team

Professor Joanna Didkowska, MSc, PhD
Head of the Polish Cancer Registry, the big boss, our private excellency, assionate about mathematics and population data. She is a great mentor sharing knowledge in epidemiology. Known for helping and feeding the encountered fauna with extraordinary love regarding felines. Curious about the World and new cultures, traveler.

Urszula Wojciechowska, PhD
Deputy Director, Assistant professor in the Polish Cancer Registry and e-KRN+ project manager. She thoughtfully and professionally handles all her duties with both feet on the ground. Urszula prefers active recreation - cycling, walking, and stand-up paddle. Also, she is very manually gifted and keeps surprising us with ceramic mosaics and creations from under her sewing machine.

Paweł Olasek, MSc
A specialist at the Polish Cancer Registry, enthusiast of computer science, exploring new technologies and electronics. By education, he is a physicist. Paweł knows all devices as the back of his hand. He is a favorite person of the voivodship cancer registries’ teams. With his baritone voice, he tells all kinds of stories tête-à-tête and over the phone. Privately, he is a drummer, bravely holding the bass drum.

Klaudia Barańska, MEng
Data analyst in the Polish Cancer Registry, NLP enthusiast, PhD student at the Silesian University of Technology, an ambitious, tireless youngest member of our team. Quickly and efficiently calculates and analyzes the data. In her private life, she enjoys vege restaurants with good food and watches multiple Sci-Fi series.
Marta Miklewska, MSc
In our team, she is a specialist in mathematical statistics. After hours, she is also a dietitian and a PhD student at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. She tirelessly fills her free time with new scientific challenges, postgraduate studies, classes with master's students. She support our team with hidden sweets and tasty self-baked cakes. She likes good music, ambitious cinema, beautiful nails and reportages.

Agnieszka Jawołowska, MA
Administrative specialist and an eager beaver, supports our work as an outstanding organizer. Agnieszka is irreplaceable at integration meetings and approaches her professional responsibilities with similar commitment. In the secretariat that she runs, you can always count on jokes. Other issues like fixing door handles and hammering nails are also handled on-site. At home, she relaxes by reading reportages and fantasy books.
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Chief happiness officer, comforter of the distressed, eases tension and stress by bringing teddy bears and asking for throwing them. He is agile and intelligent, willing to follow all orders. Miki recognizes honest contractors and trustworthy colleagues. He ensures rest breaks between long videoconferences.

Irmina Michałek, MD, PhD
An aficionada of pathology and cancer epidemiology, supports our team with knowledge not for mortals. She is a sophisticated researcher, both professionally and privately - a moment is enough to investigate every issue that troubles us. She has a fantastic sense of humor and empathy. In her free time, she unwinds by taking a walk, reading history books, and enjoying meals prepared by her husband.

Florentino Caetano dos Santos, PhD
AI specialist and biostatistician with a great sense of humor. Accurate and conscientious, the difficult he does immediately, the impossible takes him a little longer. Florentino is a true epicure, sometimes experimenting in his kitchen. As a voracious reader, he devours history and politics books. He is not afraid of cold climate, which is quite unconventional since he is a Portuguese native.